Copy and Paste Between Apple Devices



How to Set Up Universal Clipboard for macOS, iOS, and ...

2022年3月9日 — Use Universal Clipboard · Choose the file you want to copy and paste on one Mac. · Click Command-C on the selected file. · Go to your other Mac.

How to Use Universal Clipboard on Mac, iPhone, And iPad

2024年8月27日 — How to set up Universal Clipboard on Mac and iOS devices · First, make sure your Apple device is running the right operating system version.

Copy & Paste Across Apple Devices

2024年4月22日 — ​​On your iPhone, tap and hold the text, image, or link you want to copy. Use the pop-up menu to select “Copy”.

How to access and use clipboard on iPhone [2024]

2024年7月29日 — The easiest way to see and manage your clipboard on an iPhone is to use a text-editing or a note-taking app.

使用「通用剪貼板」在Apple 裝置之間拷貝與貼上內容

設定「通用剪貼板」 · iPhone 或iPad:前往「設定」>「一般」>「AirPlay 與接力」,然後開啟「接力」。 · Mac:選擇「蘋果」選單 >「系統設定」,按一下側邊欄中的「一般」,然後 ...

Use Universal Clipboard to copy and paste between your ...

2024年9月16日 — With Universal Clipboard, you can copy content such as text, images, photos, and videos on one Apple device, then paste the content on another ...

Copy Paste between Mac and iPhone: How

2024年1月2日 — Press Command + V keyboard shortcut or use the Edit menu to paste the copied text from your iPhone to your Mac.

How to Share a Clipboard with Your iPhone, iPad, and Mac

2023年8月9日 — To share your clipboard between devices, enable Handoff on your Mac and your iPhone or iPad. Copy anything as you normally would, and it'll be ...

How to Use Universal Clipboard On Your Mac, iPhone, iPad

2024年6月4日 — Universal Clipboard is a feature that Apple has built into macOS and iOS that makes a copy-and-paste clipboard accessible to all of your compatible devices.

